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27 ธันวาคม 2554 เรื่องใหญ่!! TOT3G จะยกเลิก 5 MVNO เพื่อประมูลใหม่ใน พฤษภาคม//TOTพร้อมจ่ายให้AIS ร้อยละ 25 เป็นค่าเช่าโครงข่ายวางTOT

เรื่องใหญ่!! TOT3G จะยกเลิก 5 MVNO เพื่อประมูลใหม่ใน พฤษภาคม//TOTพร้อมจ่ายให้AIS ร้อยละ 25 เป็นค่าเช่าโครงข่ายวางTOT


TOT president Anont Tubtiang said yesterday that co-siting TOT's equipment on 1,600 of AIS's cellular base stations was a good choice. Since TOT granted AIS's concession, the rent it will pay AIS will return in the form of non-cellular service revenue-sharing.

AIS is required to pay TOT 25 per cent of the income it makes from renting its network to TOT.

TOT's five current MVNOs |- Samart i-Mobile, Loxley, IEC, |M Consultant and 365 Communi-cations - can also propose business plans to TOT if they want to continue as an MVNO. TOT will have to cancel the agreements with the five MVNOs when it recruits new MVNOs.

TOT will have new MVNOs before May, Anont said.

TOT plans 3G network rental deal with AIS

THE NATION December 27, 2011 1:00 am
TOT is set to sign a Bt1-billion deal to rent Advanced Info Service's network facilities for almost four years to establish its third-generation cellular network.

TOT president Anont Tubtiang said yesterday that co-siting TOT's equipment on 1,600 of AIS's cellular base stations was a good choice. Since TOT granted AIS's concession, the rent it will pay AIS will return in the form of non-cellular service revenue-sharing.

AIS is required to pay TOT 25 per cent of the income it makes from renting its network to TOT.

After AIS's concession ends in 2015, TOT will no longer have to pay rent, since AIS is required by its |concession to transfer its network |to TOT.

A telecom source said TrueMove had also approached TOT to have the agency co-site its 3G network on TrueMove's network.

TOT has been waiting anxiously for its 3G steering committee to allow it to co-site with AIS. Its board has already given its nod to the plan.

Anont said the co-siting would speed up TOT's deployment of about 3,000 3G base stations in 18 provinces by February, before raising the total to 5,320 stations in May.

Already 1,145 base stations have been installed - 789 on TOT sites, 201 on CAT Telecom sites and 155 on new sites.

The board also approved the plan to allow firms to propose to lease TOT's 3G capacity to offer services to their customers on the basis of a mobile virtual network operator (MVNO). It will not limit the number of MVNOs.

TOT's five current MVNOs |- Samart i-Mobile, Loxley, IEC, |M Consultant and 365 Communi-cations - can also propose business plans to TOT if they want to continue as an MVNO. TOT will have to cancel the agreements with the five MVNOs when it recruits new MVNOs.

The five are leasing capacity from TOT's existing 3G network in Greater Bangkok, which debuted in December 2009.

MVNOs do not have their own network, so they lease bandwidth from network operators to offer a cellular service.

TOT will have new MVNOs before May, Anont said.

The agency is targeting a 3G subscriber base of 1 million to 2 million next year, up from about 300,000 currently, of whom 80,000 were acquired by TOT and the rest by the five MVNOs.



So Magawn ( รวบรวบประวัติศาสตร์โทรคมนาคมและการสือสารไทย ). ขับเคลื่อนโดย Blogger.