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02 มีนาคม 2555 ( เรื่องใหญ่ ข่าวดี ) TOT3G คิดการใหญ่ จะเช่าใช้ คลื่น900 AIS เพื่องเป็น 1 ระบบ 2 โครงข่าย

( เรื่องใหญ่ ข่าวดี ) TOT3G คิดการใหญ่ จะเช่าใช้ คลื่น900 AIS เพื่องเป็น 1 ระบบ 2 โครงข่าย


TOT should rent out its 900-megahertz cellular network to that spectrum's future licence-holders, as one of the two most viable options to benefit from Advanced Info Service's network after it is transferred to the state agency when the AIS concession expires in late 2015, according to TOT's consultant.


TOT consultant advises network rental

TOT should rent out its 900-megahertz cellular network to that spectrum's future licence-holders, as one of the two most viable options to benefit from Advanced Info Service's network after it is transferred to the state agency when the AIS concession expires in late 2015, according to TOT's consultant.

TOT has hired PrimeStreet Advisory (Thailand) to study how the agency can create new revenue sources after AIS' concession expires in September 2015. The consultant's report was sent to TOT last month.

AIS provides second-generation cellular service on the 900MHz network, part of which also features third-generation equipment. After its concession ends, AIS has to transfer the network assets to TOT, while the spectrum is expected to be transferred to the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission for real

A TOT source said the consultant suggested that the other most viable option was that after AIS transfers its 12,000 telecom towers to TOT in September 2015, the state agency should rent them to interested telecom operators. TOT itself currently has more than 2,000 telecom towers.

PrimeStreet estimated that from these two combined options, TOT would gain cash flow of Bt5.502 billion per year through 2025, of which Bt3.9 billion yearly would be from renting out the AIS network to licence holders.

AIS has paid an average annual concession fee of about Bt20 billion to TOT. The source added that PrimeStreet presented a total of 10 options to TOT. Among the eight less-desirable proposals was sale of the AIS network by the state agency, but then TOT would be unable to gain maximum benefit from the network.

Another option is that TOT upgrades the AIS network to 3G technology and wholesales the 3G bandwidth, but it would have to make sure it could achieve the wholesale target.

Yet another proposal is that TOT converts the network assets into its own shares in AIS in late 2015. The state agency would gain estimated shareholding in the range of 8-14 per cent in AIS by this method, the source said.

Meanwhile, the other state telecommunications agency, CAT Telecom, is still waiting for the Information and Communications Technology Ministry and CAT's board to consider the proposal of TrueMove to buy the company's network from CAT for Bt10 billion after its concession ends in September next year.



So Magawn ( รวบรวบประวัติศาสตร์โทรคมนาคมและการสือสารไทย ). ขับเคลื่อนโดย Blogger.