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12 กันยายน 2555 ศุภชัย เปิดใจ ต้องการต่างชาติร่วมประมูล 3G 2100 // และกลยุทธ ใช้ TRUE H 850 และ TRUE 3G คลื่น 2100 แน่นอน

ศุภชัย เปิดใจ ต้องการต่างชาติร่วมประมูล 3G 2100 // และกลยุทธ ใช้ TRUE H 850 และ TRUE 3G คลื่น 2100 แน่นอน


The injunction had been requested by CAT Telecom, following its court challenge of the NTC's spectrum-licensing authority.

"I don't think that this time round the auction will stumble again," Suphachai added.

If True can win part of the 2.1GHz spectrum to provide 3G cellular broadband service, it will use the TrueMove H brand to run the operation. TrueMove H is already in use for the company's existing 3G-850 MHz service, which is provided under a partnership with CAT.


True's Suphachai sees no collusion

THE NATION September 12, 2012 1:00 am
True Corp chief executive officer Suphachai Chearavanont believes there will be no collusion among bidders in next month's auction of 2.1GHz spectrum bands.

Under its official auction terms and conditions, the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission will auction nine spectrum slots, each containing 5MHz of bandwidth at a reserve price of Bt4.5 billion apiece.

Each bidder can go for a maximum 15MHz of bandwidth, down from the 20MHz as set out in the first draft of the NBTC's terms and conditions.

The terms and conditions have drawn criticism from many quarters that they appear to pave the way for three potential bidders - Advanced Info Service (AIS), Total Access Communication (DTAC), and True - to collude in order to grab 15MHz of bandwidth each in a low-competition contest.

If this proved to be the case, the final prices achieved at the auction would at best be only a little higher than the reserve price.

Suphachai said yesterday that if the NBTC had maintained the maximum bandwidth each company could bid for at 20MHz, this would have paved the way for two cash-rich bidders to grab a huge 20MHz each, resulting in a market duopoly.

Besides avoiding such a situation with the revised rules, he said the change to a 15MHz-bandwidth maximum per bidder might also attract more than three potential bidders to the auction.

He also refuted the perception that True did not want to see the auction take place because it could not afford to participate.

True has a cash flow of about Bt10 billion, while the ratio of its ebitda (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation) to debt is 1:3, down from a peak of 1:13.5 during the "Tom Yam Kung" crisis in 1997, the CEO said.

"Don't look down upon us. We have money. Our competitors might be richer than us, but it doesn't mean we don't have the money to take part in the bidding," he added.

True, which was founded by Thailand's largest agribusiness, the Chareon Pokphand (CP) group, has already had its subsidiary Real Future pick up the information memorandum for the upcoming auction.

Supachai said True was prepared to invest, as proved by its takeover of the telecom businesses in Thailand of Hong Kong's Hutchison Telecom in late 2010.

He maintained that True would be in the most desperate situation of the three main cellular rivals if the 2.1GHz spectrum auction could not take place.

Due to the approaching end of the concession term of its subsidiary TrueMove next September, True group urgently needs to create a new cellular business to which it can migrate TrueMove customers.

He also said that if the auction did not happen this time, Thailand would lose credibility in the eyes of foreign investors, and that most Thais would feel badly let down again.

The NBTC's predecessor, the National Telecommunications Commission, was about to launch the 2.1GHz auction in September 2010 before the process was suspended by a Central Administrative Court injunction.

The injunction had been requested by CAT Telecom, following its court challenge of the NTC's spectrum-licensing authority.

"I don't think that this time round the auction will stumble again," Suphachai added.

If True can win part of the 2.1GHz spectrum to provide 3G cellular broadband service, it will use the TrueMove H brand to run the operation. TrueMove H is already in use for the company's existing 3G-850 MHz service, which is provided under a partnership with CAT.

True might seek a foreign strategic partner for the new 3G operation, but this would become clear after the 2.1GHz auction, he said.

If the company were to go down such a path, it would allow the partner to hold only 25 per cent of the shares, he added.

Whichever company became True's strategic partner, it would have to give importance to the group's convergence policy, which focuses on offering customers combined services from across the group, said the chief executive.

In a related matter, Suphachai said he believed True and CAT would achieve a successful outcome in the talks over jointly revising the contracts to provide 3G-850 MHz service under their partnership in order to bring them into compliance with the Frequency Allocation Act.

The NBTC's telecom committee issued an order on June 20 for CAT to work with True in rewriting the contracts. This followed a ruling by its subcommittee that CAT had to make the contracts comply fully with Article 46 (2) of the Act.

The panel's investigation had found that CAT appeared not to possess complete management control over its 850MHz spectrum used for the partnership.

Article 46(2) prohibits NBTC licence-holders such as CAT and TOT from allowing third parties to take control of their frequencies.



So Magawn ( รวบรวบประวัติศาสตร์โทรคมนาคมและการสือสารไทย ). ขับเคลื่อนโดย Blogger.