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14 พฤศจิกายน 2554 ตะลึกหนัก!! ติดตั้งเพียง944จากแผน3500ส.// เดือนหน้า TOT3G 18 จ.ใหม่ใช้FREE//ติดปัญหาด้านการทำการตลาด

ตะลึกหนัก!! ติดตั้งเพียง944จากแผน3500ส.// เดือนหน้า TOT3G 18 จ.ใหม่ใช้FREE//ติดปัญหาด้านการทำการตลาด


He announced plans to provide free 3G trial service late this month, in lieu of the planned commercial service.

"Personally, I feel TOT should not begin 3G commercial service now when it is not ready to compete in the market and customers have too many choices," he said.

In the 18 provinces, TOT has reportedly finished installing only 944 3G base stations out of a planned 3,500 by this month, and a projected total of 4,772 base stations nationwide by May. TOT is aiming for 1.2 million users of the new 3G network this year and 7 million by 2015.

TOT shifts to offering free 3G in trial run

TOT Plc, left with no choice but to postpone its commercial 3G wireless broadband service until the country's floods subside, is preparing a free trial service instead.

Panthep: Wants to see market response
The state telecom enterprise initially planned to launch commercial 3G service on the 1900-megahertz frequency on Nov 28.
TOT board chairman Panthep Jamradroamrun said the floods were impeding construction of 3G base stations. Only 1,000 are ready for service, compared with the initial plan for 3,500 stations in 18 provinces.
The planned joint construction of 2,000 base stations with mobile market leader Advanced Info Service has also slowed, he said.
TOT planned to have a total of 5,200 3G base stations nationwide by 2012, serving up to 7 million customers.
"We needed to restructure our 3G business plan to be in line with the real situation and current market opportunity," Mr Panthep said.
He announced plans to provide free 3G trial service late this month, in lieu of the planned commercial service.
The move should enable the state to gauge information and market response from customers.
"Personally, I feel TOT should not begin 3G commercial service now when it is not ready to compete in the market and customers have too many choices," he said.
Mr Panthep added: "We don't want to repeat the past mistake of Thai Mobile, the digital 1900 MHz mobile phone service."
In May, the TOT board awarded a 16-billion-baht contract to the SL consortium of Samart Telcoms Plc and Loxley to build a nationwide 3G network.
The state enterprise is offering 3G service first through 548 base stations in Bangkok and surrounding areas. Five companies are operating under a mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) model to sell services on behalf of TOT: Samart I-Mobile, Loxley, 365 Communication, IEC International and M Consultant Corporation.
TOT's 3G service, however, has met with weak market response because of the state enterprise's ineffective business model and limited network coverage, plus the MVNOs' weak financial health.
Mr Panthep said the board was implementing a long-term 3G business strategy and restructuring, using the company's strengths in fixed-line telephone, copper lines and optical fibre to add value.
He stressed the need for TOT to quickly estimate its asset values, including those of mobile networks under build-transfer-operate concession contracts, before its concession revenue vanishes at the end of 2012.
The Frequency Allocation law, enacted almost two years ago, stipulates that TOT and CAT Telecom must hand all concession revenue to the Finance Ministry after three years.
"Both TOT and CAT need to stand on their own feet, with all efforts to seek more revenue streams" to offset the lost concession revenue, Mr Panthep said.



Floods delay CAT, TOT's full 3G service launches

The flooding has prompted both CAT Telecom and TOT to postpone the full official launches of their 3G wireless-broadband services.
CAT will officially launch its retail 3G wireless-broadband service under the "My" brand upcountry next month, a change from the original plan to kick things off in Bangkok this month.
Senior executive vice president for wireless business Viroj Tocharoenvanith said the delay means CAT is unlikely to meet its customer target this year of between 40,000 and 50,000. The service has amassed around 10,000 customers, mostly in the provinces, since its soft launch in July.
The official launch will focus on provinces not affected by flooding.
CAT and True Corp group have collaborated to develop the 3G-High Speed Packet Access (HSPA) service using the 850 MHz spectrum. True Corp group's BFKT (Thailand) has installed HSPA network equipment for CAT, which |will use it to wholesale 3G capacity. The state agency has allocated part of the capacity to resell the service on its own under the "My" brand, focusing on corporate customers.
BFKT is slated to install more than 5,000 3G base stations nationwide for CAT this year; half are already done.
TOT president Anont Tubtiang said the flooding has delayed the state agency's rollout of its nationwide 3G network in some areas, prompting it to re-evaluate its plan to fully launch the service in 18 provinces this month.
TOT has already launched the service in some areas of the 18 provinces. It has allowed a certain number of customers to roam for the 3G service on Advanced Info Service's network when travelling outside its 3G network coverage.
In the 18 provinces, TOT has reportedly finished installing only 944 3G base stations out of a planned 3,500 by this month, and a projected total of 4,772 base stations nationwide by May. TOT is aiming for 1.2 million users of the new 3G network this year and 7 million by 2015.



แหล่งข่าวมีปัญหาประสานงาน++ ((ตะลึง-กล้าเปิด!!)) TOT3G18 จังหวัดเดือนหน้า โดยเปิดสถานีฐานเพียงร้อยละ40ของ3,458ส.

SAMTEL ผู้ติดตั้งโครงข่าย 3G TOT ยอมรับ ล่าช้า เพราะ น้ำท่วม !!!

SAMART ยอมรับ!!! การวางระบบสถานี 3G ของ TOT ล่าช้ากว่ากำหนด เพราะ TOTล่าช้ากว่ากำหนด


So Magawn ( รวบรวบประวัติศาสตร์โทรคมนาคมและการสือสารไทย ). ขับเคลื่อนโดย Blogger.